Growth plan kick-off

It's great to have you onboard! We just have a few questions for you, before we can really get started.

    General Questions

    To kick things off smoothly, we've got a few questions that we'd like to ask...

    [group group-kpi clear_on_hide]


    E.g. phone call, start live chat, complete checkout etc

    [group group-exp clear_on_hide]


    Tools & Technology

    It speeds things up if we can access to all key tools up front. Fill out the questions below to get us up and running.

    [group group-analytics clear_on_hide]
    Please add '[email protected]' as an admin to your Google Analytics account


    [group group-webmaster clear_on_hide]
    Please add '[email protected]' as an admin to your Google Search Console account


    [group group-tagman clear_on_hide]
    Please add '[email protected]' as an admin to your Google Tag Manager account


    E.g. Wordpress, Joomla, Wix etc.

    [group group-cms clear_on_hide]

    Also, please create a login for [email protected] with admin access


    [group group-cpanel clear_on_hide]

    Also, please create an FTP login with admin access for us


    Business Information